vadiMAP Prescription

AI-powered feasibility study for your building, prescribing optimal technologies for your goals

Your energy
starts here

  • The vadiMAP Prescription is an automated feasibility study, powered by artifical intelligence and managed by humans, for a fraction of the time and cost.
  • A prescription of the optimal technologies required to achieve your energy goals: cost savings, avoided outages & CO2 reduction.
  • Your building Energy Star Score to comply with Building Performance Standards (BPS) and Building Energy Disclosure (BED) requirements.

Also Included

  • Economic analysis
  • Local incentives
  • Personalized recommendations
  • Technical specifications of the energy system
  • And much more

vadiMAP vs Traditional Engineering

  Traditional Engineering AI-Powered vadiMAP Prescription
Cost $10,000 USD $2,500 USD
1,000+ configurations simulated to reach your economic, resiliency and sustainable objectives
Simulation of the building's electrical and thermal load profiles for a 25-year period
Simulation of all eligible electricity rates
Simulation of peak shaving and demand response programs

vadiMAP replaces traditional engineering with power algorithms, built by engineers.

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Full Energy Potential
of your building(s)

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